Editor & Publisher

I’m the owner, publisher, and editor-in-chief of Gray Rabbit Publications, LLC, and its speculative fiction imprint, Fantastic Books. How I got here was a bit of a journey.

During my junior year at Boston University, I walked into the office of The Daily Free Press—the independent, student-run newspaper (which I think was also the third largest daily in Boston)—and wound up staying for nearly two years. I started off as the Classified Advertising Manager, but soon discovered my desires and talents lay elsewhere. That first semester, I wrote a few articles as a reporter, but I realized I was more interested in writing opinion pieces and in editing. My senior year, I was the Deputy Editorial Page Editor and the Assistant Book Review Editor, and I’ve been an editor ever since.

I moved to New York, and one day saw a three-line classified ad in the New York Times. The ad read “Editorial Assistant wanted for science fiction magazine.” It included a mailing address that I recognized: I had been sending stories to that address, so I knew it was either for Analog or Asimov’s. So I sent a resume, along with a cover letter that basically read “Give me the job, give me the job, give me the job!” I got called in for an interview, and discovered that the job was actually to be editorial assistant for both Analog and Asimov’s. I convinced the magazines’ managing editors to hire me, and spent six years at the magazines.

While I was at Analog and Asimov’s, I was elected to the Board of Directors of Greater New York Mensa, and appointed editor of the organization’s monthly publication, Mphasis. I edited Mphasis for two years, until I was elected President of GNYM.

At Analog and Asimov’s, meanwhile, I was promoted to Assistant Editor, and then Associate Editor, and then realized that my bosses weren’t getting any older, and showed no signs of ever leaving their positions, which meant there was no place for me to be promoted any further. So, after six years, I resigned in order to attempt to publish my own magazine, Artemis. After much more time than I’d anticipated, seeking funding, I finally launched Artemis in late 1999, as a quarterly magazine of science and fiction. I only managed to produce eight issues, before finally folding the magazine in 2003.

Following the closure of Artemis, I took on some freelance editing work, including projects for Baen Books and Padwolf Publishing, as well as contributing positions at Absolute Magnitude, Realms of Fantasy, and KISS: the official quarterly magazine of the rock group Kiss. In 2005, I took over as the News Editor of Science Fiction Chronicle, and continued producing the news half of the magazine until its demise in 2007. After Chronicle folded, I continued reporting the news of the speculative fiction fields on SFScope.com, a web site I launched with the technical efforts first of Al Beecy, and then of Glenn Hauman. While the site did attract a loyal following, I was never able to turn it into the money-maker I needed it to be, and in 2014, I ceased my efforts with it.

In 2010, I took on the role of acquiring editor for speculative fiction at Wilder Publications, and later in the year, acquired the sf line. I turned it into the Fantastic Books imprint of Gray Rabbit Publications, and I still continue to edit books for both Fantastic Books and Gray Rabbit. Around the edges of those efforts, I also maintain a small list of freelance editing clients, working closely with them to develop their books and their writing skills.