Bio & Upcoming Appearances

Most of this site is dedicated to my working with words (writer, editor, publisher), but like most of the writers I’ve known, I’ve had a plethora of other jobs. Among them:

  • I’ve been a teacher (of Hebrew, of English, and of Business English)
  • I’ve been a tour guide (at Niagara Falls)
  • I’ve worked on Wall Street (in the marketing department at a wealth management firm)
  • I’ve been a stock trader (a day trader, focusing on NYSE traded stocks, for which I passed my NASD Series 7, 55, and 63 exams)
  • I’ve been involved in an internet start-up (unfortunately, it didn’t get to the IPO stage)
  • I’ve been involved in a commercial space flight start-up (the non-profit Artemis Society International, and the for-profit Lunar Resources Company)
  • I’ve served on several non-profit boards of directors

Personally, I enjoy sports, but I’m enough of a klutz to not be very good at any of them. I enjoy games (card, board, physical), but don’t get much opportunity to play. And I enjoy traveling (though again, I don’t do as much as I like, although I have had feet on the ground in 35 of the US states). I was born in New York City, and grew up in Milford, Connecticut, and Amherst, New York. I earned my BA from Boston University, and then moved back to New York City to find my fortune in publishing (anyone in publishing knows that that’s a joke).

I expect to be at the following conventions, in a variety of capacities:

May 3-5, 2024: Heliosphere in Piscataway, New Jersey (science fiction convention)

May 10-12, 2024: Boston Mensa’s Cape Cod Mini RG in Dennis Port, Massachusetts

May 24-27, 2024: Balticon in Baltimore, Maryland (science fiction convention)

June 7-9, 2024: Sci Fi Valley Con in Altoona, Pennsylvania (science fiction convention)

July 3-7, 2024: American Mensa’s Annual Gathering in Kansas City, Missouri

July 11-14, 2024: Readercon in Quincy, Massachusetts (science fiction convention)

July 18-21, 2024: The North American Science Fiction Convention in Buffalo, New York

July 26-28, 2024: Shore Leave in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (science fiction convention)

August 29-September 2, 2024: Dragon Con in Atlanta, Georgia (science fiction/comic convention)