Artemis Magazine

artemis_2000spr_n1In 1995, I resigned from Analog and Asimov’s science fiction magazines in order to devote myself to creating and publishing Artemis Magazine. The first issue appeared in late 1999 (with a cover date of Spring 2000).

Eight issues appeared, ending with the Winter 2003 issue. As the editor, I chose the content, and apparently was fairly successful at it: in only eight issues, the magazine published Stanley Schmidt’s novelette “Generation Gap,” which was a finalist for both the Hugo and Nebula awards, and Jack McDevitt’s short story “Nothing Ever Happens in Rock City,” which was a Nebula finalist. Other contributors included Apollo astronauts Alan Bean and Edgar D. Mitchell, Grand Master Jack Williamson, Thomas A. Easton, Bob Eggleton, Daniel Hatch, John G. Hemry, Daniel M. Kimmel, Jerry Oltion, Spider Robinson, Allen M. Steele, and many others.

cover8In October 2002, Library Journal reviewed Artemis, noting that “this small-press magazine blends the two related themes of science fiction and science fact.… While the emphasis is on fiction, there are substantial articles and news reports on the current state and historical view of space travel. The full-color cover is attractive, and the illustrations that accompany the fiction should appeal to sf buffs. The interesting perspective and dual theme should attract serious sf readers to Artemis.”

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction says, “The cover of the first issue was by Apollo astronaut Alan Bean, the fourth man to set foot on the moon, and the issue contained several articles on the Artemis Project and what form a Moonbase might take. The fiction was also strong, from Fred Lerner’s ‘Rosetta Stone’ (Spring 2000) about the discovery of an abandoned alien settlement on the far side of the Moon, to ‘Generation Gap’ (Spring 2000) by Stanley Schmidt where an old man tries to communicate with his younger self; Schmidt’s story was shortlisted for both the Hugo and Nebula awards. Future issues maintained the same blend of lunar speculative articles and hopeful fiction. Further contributors included Jack McDevitt, G. David Nordley, Jerry Oltion, Spider Robinson, and Allen Steele, making most issues a close cousin to Analog.”

Artemis Magazine was to be one of the major public faces of the Artemis Project, which was a hybrid commercial/non-profit venture to establish a colony on the Moon, and to pay for it by exploiting the entertainment value of spaceflight and colonization. The project, like the magazine, was a well-planned endeavor, but both suffered from too small a pool of start-up capital, and the inability to attract more investors quickly enough.